Charity Auctions

Jan 20, 2017

A charity auction is a popular type of nonprofit fundraising event. Through this activity, organizers take bid price and invite donors participate in auction, then take this money they got for charity.

Mauris est mi, facilisis vel turpis ac, consectetur cursus tortor. Suspendisse aliquam ex in eros ornare, eget consequat dolor vulputate. Proin non finibus tortor. Aliquam semper elit nec tortor ullamcorper, nec faucibus quam lobortis.

Remember what Mother Teresa said: "To truly give charity, you must be free of selfishness!"

It is pure joy of giving, which includes much more than material things. This givingness can have many faces, like in a warm smile to strangers, a personal thank-you-letter, an encouraging hug, an unexpected phone call, a thoughtful word of appreciation, a bonding with a person in grief, a prayer for the healing of others, a heartfelt forgiving when you are wronged. All this is done not out of duty or responsibility but out of the abundance of warmth and love you feel welling up inside you. And the more you give out, the more flows back in; that is the joy of love in action, the manifestation of charity. As long as you feel compelled to do something because it is your duty or because you want something in return, there is no love.


  • Alden Alexander
    Jan 20, 2017

    Phasellus magna arcu, pretium eget faucibus a, interdum a eros. Nulla augue enim, tincidunt et enim sit amet, on luctus luctus urna. Nullam nec mattis mauris.

    • Ambrose Amos
      Jan 20, 2017

      Phasellus magna arcu, pretium eget faucibus a, interdum a eros. Nulla augue enim, tincidunt et enim sit amet, on luctus luctus urna. Nullam nec mattis mauris.

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