Why you should join the mission

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque massa ipsum, efficitur a fermen tum sed, suscipit sit amet arcu. Ut ut finibus tortor, eu ultrices turpis. Mauris vitae elit nec diam elementum elementum. Mauris ante quam, consequat ac nibh placerat, lacinia sollicitudin mi.

  • Nunc ac varius quam, non convallis magna. Vestibulum id leo ornare, euismod urna id, rhoncus nibh. Morbi sit amet lectus vel ligula posuere elementum. Fusce vulputate urna libero. Praesent lobortis rutrum metus, ac luctus purus ultricies sed.

  • Donec suscipit commodo dapibus. Vestibulum et ullamcorper ligula. Morbi bibendum tempor rutrum. Pellentesque auctor purus id molestie ornare.Donec eu lobortis risus. Pellentesque sed aliquam lorem. Praesent pulvinar lorem vel mauris ultrices posuere. Phasellus elit ex, gravida a semper ut, venenatis vitae diam.

  • Praesent pulvinar lorem vel mauris ultrices posuere. Phasellus elit ex, gravida a semper ut, venenatis vitae diam. Nullam eget leo massa. Aenean eu consequat arcu, vitae scelerisque quam. Suspendisse risus turpis, pharetra a finibus vitae, lobortis et mi.


Small heart with big love

When we hear the word "charity" we think of love towards our neighbour, love made visible as in service. We hear the word everyday; we use it and we may also practise it in different forms. But what does charity really mean?

Remember what Mother Teresa said: "To truly give charity, you must be free of selfishness!"

All this is done not out of duty or responsibility but out of the abundance of warmth and love you feel welling up inside you. And the more you give out, the more flows back in; that is the joy of love in action, the manifestation of charity. As long as you feel compelled to do something because it is your duty or because you want something in return, there is no love.

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    (541) 754-3010

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